
저물녘 노을을 기대어

도솔9812 2013. 3. 5. 11:32


[본 자료는 무단 복제를 금합니다]

1. [메뉴바]-[File]-[New]클릭

1) [패널창]-[Properties]-[Movie Properties] 클릭

2) [Width : 700]             [Height : 500]                

2. [Content]에 이미지 저장

1) [패널창]-[Content]-[Import to Library]-[Image] 클릭

2) [열기-[a1.jpg~a5.jpg] 

3. [Image] 삽입

1) [메뉴바]-[Insert]-[Import image]-[바탕.jpg] 

2) [패널창]-[Resgape]-[O=X체크-Center] [X : 350 Y : 250  W : 700  H : 500]

4. [Image] 삽입

1) [메뉴바]-[Insert]-[Import image]-[a1.jpg] 

2) [패널창]-[Resgape]-[O=X체크-Center] [X : 440 Y : 290  W : 460  H : 340]

3) [물결효과]-[배경]

4) [효과]-[Timeline 1]-[Place]

5. [Import]-[Animation]

1) [Squares.swi]-[O=X체크-Center]-[X : 440 Y : 290  W : 460  H : 340]

2) [효과]-[Timeline 1]-[Place]

3) [모두]-[Grouping]-[Group as Movie Clip]-[a1]

4) [a1]-[Copy Object]-[Paste in Place]-[4개]-[a2~a5]

6. [종합효과]

1) [a1]-[Timeline  1 : Place]-[Timeline  3 : Remove]

2) [a2]-[Timeline  3 : Place]-[Timeline  5 : Remove]

3) [a3]-[Timeline  5 : Place]-[Timeline  7 : Remove]

4) [a4]-[Timeline  7 : Place]-[Timeline  9 : Remove]

5) [a5]-[Timeline  9 : Place]

6) [Scene]행 [Timeline : 2. 4. 6. 8. 10]-[Move Control]-[Stop]

7. [Button] 만들기

1) [메뉴바]-[Insert]-[Import image]-[a2.jpg~a5.jpg] 

2) [패널창]-[Resgape]-[O=X체크-Center] [X : 260 Y : 70  W : 100  H : 70]

3) [a5.jpg]-[X : 610 Y : 70]-[모두 선택하고 Align에서 정열]

4) [모두]-[Convert]-[Convert to Button]-[but1~but4]

                   [Has sepatate over state] 체크

5) +but1을 열고 [over state]에 이미지 클릭

6) [Transform]-[Lock]체크 [110%]

8. [Button]-[Script]

1) [but1]클릭 [Script]

2) [Add Script]-[Events]-[Button]-[On(release)] 

3) [Add Script]-[MovieControl]-[gotoAndPlay]-[gotoAndPlay(FRAME)]

                [Target]-[_root]   [Goto Frome : 3]

4) [Add Script]-[Sound]-[Play Sound]-[Import]-[1675.mp3]

5) [Copy]-[but2 ~ but4]에 [Paste] [Frame]수치 수정      

9. [Import]-[Animation]

1) [보라색장미와나비.swf]-[O=X체크-Center]-[X : 205  Y : 473]

2) [제목.swi]-[O=X체크-Center]-[X : 90   Y : 40]      

3) [full_0801.swi]-[O=X체크-Center]-[X : 677  Y : 57]

4) [music_03.swi]-[O=X체크-Center]-[X : 590  Y : 495]      

5) [scroll_bar.swi]-[O=X체크-Center]-[X : 110  Y : 230]