Beauty Collection
1. Swish Max 4실행
Properties – Movie Properties
width : 740 height : 620
Export Settings for Movie
SWF versio : SWF6
2. Content에 이미지 저장
Content-Import to Library–Image 열기 – a1.png~a7.png, b1.png~b6.png
3. Image 삽입
㉠ 메뉴바-Insert-Import Image-바탕.jpg
㉡ 패널창-Reshape-Center X : 370 Y : 310 W : 740 H : 620
㉢ 효과-Timeline 1-Fade-Fade in - Duration : 20
4. Image 삽입
㉠ 메뉴바-Insert-Import Image-제목테두리.png
㉡ 패널창-Reshape-Center X : 370 Y : 310 W : 740 H : 620
㉢ 효과 Timeline 20 – Fade-Fade in – Duration : 20
㉣ 효과 Timeline 140 – Fade-Fade out – Duration : 30
5. 제목 만들기
㉠ 제목 : Beauty Collection
㉡ Text-Amber-48Size-#CCCCCC
㉢ 패널창-Reshape-Center X : 370 Y : 285
㉣ 효과-Timeline 1-Apper into position-Alternate in from four directions
Duration : 60
㉤ Grouping-Group as Movie Clip –제목 Stop playing at end체크
㉥ 효과 Timeline 40-Fade-Fade in Duration : 20
㉦ 효과 Timeline 140-Move Duration : 30 Preview Frame
㉧ 효과 Transform-Center X : 370 Y : 30
6. Image 삽입
㉠ 메뉴바-Insert-Import Image-main1.png
㉡ 패널창-Reshape-Center X : 370 Y : 310 W : 740 H : 620
㉢ 물결효과
㉮ Scene_1클릭
㉯ Tools패널창에서 Pen Tool 클릭
㉰ main1.png의 안의 물결줄 부분을 범위준다.
㉱ Outline의 두 개의 main1.png를 선택
㉲ Grouping-group as Shape – 아니오 클릭
㉳ Properties-Fill color-image
Change how the image – Fit to Shape 클릭
㉴ Grouping-Ungroup
㉵ 메뉴판에 아래 main1.png 이름을 1로 설정
(원 이미지와 복사본을 표시하기위함)
㉶ 메뉴판-Insert-Import Animation-울렁물결판
㉷ 메뉴판 maine1.png 아래로 내려놓고
㉸ 메뉴판 main1.png+울렁물결판=Grouping-Group as Movie Clip
Use bottom object aas mask 체크
㉹ 효과 Transform-Center Y : 310+0.7=310.7-미리보기
㉮ Movie Clip를 열고(+를 –로)
㉯ 울렁물결판을 열고(+를 –로)
㉰ 효과 Timelime 1-move 10을 Move 40으로 늘려줄 것-미리보기
㉺ 메뉴판 Movie Clip+1-Grouping-Group as Movie Clip-main
㉣ 효과 Timeline 180-Core Effect-Trnasform – Duration : 20
Effect – Scale : 105
㉤ 효과 Timeline 231 – Remove
7. Enter 만들기
㉠ 메뉴바 Insert-Import Image-button.gif
㉡ 패널창-Transform-Center X : 80 Y : 550 W : 140 H : 132
㉢ 제목 : Enter
㉣ Text-Amber-28Size-#000000
㉤ 패널창-Transform-Center X : 105 Y : 595
㉥ 효과 Timeline 1-Looping continuously-Wild-Flimmer Duration : 20
㉦ Enter+button.gif-Grouping-Group as Movie Clip-enter
㉧ 효과 Timeline 200-Fade-Fade in Duration : 20
㉨ 효과 Timeline 231 – Remove
8. Image 삽입
㉠ 메뉴바 Insert-Import Image-flower1.png
㉡ 패널창-Reshape-Center X : 370 Y : 310 W : 740 H : 620
㉢ 효과 Timeline 231-Fade-Fade in Duration : 20
9. Shape 그리기
㉠ 톨바-Ellipse Tool클릭
㉡ 패널창 Properties-Fill color : solide클릭
㉢ 패널창-Reshape-Center X : 370 Y : 310 W : 320 H : 400
㉣ 메뉴바 Modify-Break-Break into pieces
Break : Regular Grid Columns : 20 Rows : 1
Allow non-briangular pieces체크 Inflate all pieces by : 0.3
Cascade Order-두번째
㉤ 효과 Timeline 1-Apper into position-3D Spin and shrink Duration : 60
Effect 창 Rotate : 100, Shrink from : 100, Color Change : 0
Cascade order : 2
㉥ Grouping-Group as Movie Clip – effect Stop playing at end 체크
㉦ 효과 Tieline 1-place
10. Image 삽입
㉠ 메뉴바 Insert-Import Image-a1.png
㉢ 패널창-Reshape-Center X : 370 Y : 310 W : 740 H : 620
㉣ 물결효과 – 6항의 물결효과와 동일-이름 : 배경
㉤ 효과-Timeline 1-place
㉥ 효과 Timeline 40-Move Duration : 20 Preview frame
Effect창 Color-Fade to-Advanced 체크
R ; 200, G : 200, B : 200
㉦ 효과 Timeline 60 Move Duration : 20 Preview frame
Effect 창 Color-Fade to : 0
㉧ 배경+Effect-Grouping-Group as Movie Clip-a1
Stop playing at end 체크
Use bottom object as mask 체크
㉨ a1을 Copy object-Paste in place-6개-a2~a7-각각 열고 이미지 교체
11. poem 만들기
㉠ 시모음 전문 : 우리의 만남은
㉡ Text – 파도체-13Size-#FEFEA3
㉢ 패널창-Transform-Center X : 370 Y : 830
㉣ 효과 Timeline 1-Slid-Out to top Duration 1800
12. Shape 그리기
㉠ 톨바-Ellipse Tool클릭
㉡ 패널창 Properties-Fill color : solide클릭
㉢ 패널창-Reshape-Center X : 370 Y : 310 W : 320 H : 400
㉤ Text+Shape-Grouping-Group as Movie Clip-poem
Use bottom object as mask 체크
㉥ poem+a7-Grouping-Group as Movie Clip-a7 Stop playing ae end 체크
㉦ a7열고(+를 –로)
㉮ 효과 a7 1-place
㉯ 효과 poem 70-Fade-Fade in Duration : 20
13. Import Animation
㉠ 하얀방울.swf-Transform-Center X : 370 Y : 450
㉡하양방울.swf+a1~a7-Grouping-Group as Movie Clip-img
㉢ 효과 Timeline 231-place
14.라벨 붙이기
㉠ Scene 행 Timeline 230-Movie Control-stop
㉡ Scene 행 Timeline 231-Frame-SetLabel(...) Label-n1 입력
15. 종합효과
㉠ imag를열고 img행 Timeline 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14-Movie Control-stop
㉡ a1 Timeline 1 : place Timeline 3 : Remove
㉢ a2 Timeline 3 : place Timeline 5 : Remove
㉣ a3 Timeline 5 : place Timeline 7 : Remove
㉤ a4 Timeline 7 : place Timeline 9 : Remove
㉥ a5 Timeline 9 : place Timeline 11 : Remove
㉦ a6 Timeline 11 : place Timeline 13 : Remove
㉧ a1 Timeline 13 : place
15. Image 삽입
㉠ 메뉴바 Insert-Import Image-flower.png, 액자.png
㉡ 패널창-Reshape-Center X : 370 Y : 310 W : 740 H : 620
㉢ 효과-Timeline 231-Fade-Fade in Duration : 20
17. Button 만들기
㉠ 메뉴바-Insert-Import Image-b1.png
㉡ 패널창 Transform-Center X : 130 Y : 90 Lock체크 xscale : 20%
㉢ Grouping-Group as Movie Clip-but1
㉣ Copy object-Paste in place-5개-but2~but6-각각의 이미지 교체
㉤ but2 X : 40 Y : 350 but3 X : 130 Y ; 530
but4 X : 600 Y : 90 but5 X ; 700 Y ; 350
but6 X : 600 Y : 530
㉥ buti~but6-효과 Timeline 250 : place 효과를 10씩 물림
㉠ 자료-소스.txt 모두복사
㉡ but1 클릭-Script 창-Paste
㉢ but2~but6-Goto frame 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
parent.img.gotoAndPlay(1)-but2에 Paste (3), but3에 psate (5)......
19.enter Script
㉠ enter 클릭
㉡ Add Script-Ebents-Button-on(release)
Add Script-Movie Cotntrol-Goto and play-gotoAndPlay(LABEL)
Target : _root Goto Label : n1
20. poem 버튼 만들기
㉠ 제목 : poem
㉡ Text-Amber-48Size-#FEFEA3
㉢ 패널창-Transform-Center X : 370 Y : 580
㉣ Grouping-Group as Movie Clip-poem
㉤ 효과 Timeline 310 Fade-Fade in Duration : 20
21. poem Script
㉠ poem 클릭
㉡ Add Script-Ebents-Button-on(release)
Add Script-Movie Cotntrol-Goto and play-gotoAndPlay(FRAME)
Target : img Goto frame : 13
22. Import Animation
㉠ full_Screen2.swi-Transform-Center X : 660 Y : 30
㉡ music_0529.swi – Transform-center X : 630 Y 580
23.preloader 만들기
㉠ Insert-Scene 클릭
㉡ Scene 이름 – preloader-Script소스를 Paste함
㉢ Insert- Import image-로딩.gif Transform-Center X : 370 Y : 310
㉣ Insert-Import Animation-loading3.swi
Transform-Center X : 340 Y : 310